Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Letter G- Grapes

Cali and I are getting started again. We were pretty lax about projects through the holiday. Now we are gearing up. Kindergarten is on the horizon but I expect time will fly like it usually does and be here before we know it!

She was pretty excited about our G project today. We started our pretty simple.
I cut some G's out for her. She is really good at cutting so I should have let her do it on her own.
We decided it would be great to do some marble-like painting but with grapes instead.

She really liked this project. She wanted to paint many, I cut her off at 4. The problem is that she thinks EVERYTHING she makes has to be hung somewhere in this house so any more than what we made and I'd have G's hanging everywhere. She also did some squares so I used one of those to cut some grapes out of.

We talked a lot about words that began with the letter G. Given that grapes has the Grrr sound, it wasn't my best choice but Gorilla seem to get through to her! :)

We have always told her about capital's and lower case letters so painted both.

This was a GREAT project to get us going!

*Edit- I'm adding this to Ramblings of a Crazy Woman We Made it Friday Showcase. If you want some inspiration and awesome creative ideas, head on over!

1 comment:

jennwa said...

That is a great idea. I never thought of using grapes.