Thursday, October 07, 2010

One more thing

See, maybe it's back to stay. My mojo that is!

I have one more thing to show you.
I made these a while back. I saw them somewhere, haven't a clue where. It's been a while.I remember loving them so when I saw them. I actually made them almost immediately but never got around to hanging them up.

Now I will admit, they were harder to make than the person made it seem. At least they were for me. Might be my plaster-of-paris mixing technique. Maybe I bought an off brand. Not sure but my issue was that it dried faster than I could spread it on my leaves.

I persevered because I loved the texture but they are not, I repeat are not uniform in any way. The mixture did not paint on smoothly. I threw several bowls of it away as it dried to breaking-off bits before I could use the paint brush. And when I finally strung them today with the twine, the plaster-of-paris broke off most of the stems.

All that being said, I adore the simplicity of the white in my home. And the best part, Cori came home tonight after being gone the whole day and right when she walked in she said "Mom, I really like your leaves!"

When the teenager notices something like that over her head on a pass-through, it's all good my friends!
Grab yourself some plaster-of-paris, mix according to directions, paint both sides of some artificial leaves and your golden!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Thanks for the heads up! We were going to try these, and while yours look beautiful, it might be more work and frustration than I wanted! But, yours are beautiful!