Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Standing on the Risers

That's what she said to me. "Mom, it's my first time standing on the risers! I don't have to sit in the chairs, I'm on the RISERS!"  It's so funny what matters to a kindergartner. I looked at her and just grinned. I was truly so happy for my baby-the little one. She has finally hit the big time and she was over-the-moon!

I've been to many kindergarten shows, obviously with two older sisters, I'd seen many, many shows before hers. This one though, it was sweet. They mentioned at the beginning that it was partially student created and definitely student driven.  Of course, in our house we hear that and groan. Sometimes that is pure torture to a parents ears.

In this case however, it was sweet and pleasant.  The songs were short and simple. The kids were accompanied by soft music, not singing alone, loud and obnoxiously. The transitions flowed. There was dancing, nothing too extravagant. Just happy little people doing some fun movements that made everyone smile for a minute.

And then, we were done. I think the entire event from beginning to end  was less than 45 minutes. There was wonderful artwork to see before we left which we could then take home to share with friends and family.

 There was day...

...and there was night.

And there was a whole lot of Cali and every other amazing kinder to admire.

I am so proud of my girl. Cali has been so fortunate this first year of elementary school.  I was part of the hiring committee for her kindergarten teacher.

 I loved her then and I adore her now. She is everything I thought she'd be and more.  Mostly, because she gets these kids. She cares about what makes them tick. She knows how important it is to finally be standing on the risers.

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